Minggu, 24 Oktober 2010

Sunday Morning with Agent A: Advance Peek at Big Apple Circus "Dance On!" and Backyard Intrigue ...

Will it Dance On?

On rare occasions from far and near, pro inside sources travel the e-mail lanes to my little stand on the midway. Some ask up front for anonymity before proceeding. And usually their wish is granted. After all, this opens a secret door to privileged information, and gives them a chance to explain why they do this or do not do that. Circus owners and their VP operatives often engage in artistic indiscretions that, as some of you know, bring out the rant in me, but I also realize that they do what they think they have to do in order to avoid creditor attachments, humbling 7-11 night shift work interviews, and food stamps.

Now comes a fresh source bearing a pseudonym, saying some nice things about my prickly prose & offering an insider's take on BAC developments. He presents himself as one with vast experience in virtually all avenues of entertainment for many years, and nothing said in his e-mails leads me to doubt his credibility, so let's give him allllllll ears.

To double protect my charitable informant incognito (believing this may yield even more juicy jackpots down the road), I am removing his identity one step further by christening him, a Showbiz David first, Agent A. You like? Okay, imagine us, if you will, huddling in a damp early morning dawn with coffee cups (tea for me, please ... ) in hand by the old ice house, exchanging our dire predictions of a big top Armageddon while awaiting a doomed circus train's arrival. However, I must advise you up front, keep in mind that Agent A's comments are coming from someone still in the biz, sans food stamps, I trust; could be colored by rivalries of which I am unaware. Could also be, for sure, right on. I've looked for NY reviews, none could I find so far.

Agent A on Big Apple's latest: "First half of the performance is long, slow and almost exclusively acrobats. There is no energy. The second half works fine, but probably looks better than it it is compared to the first half."

Strong acts: Jenny Vidbel and Rob Torres. Agent A gives high marks to Regina Dobrovitskaya (my spell checker just went berserk) --"most talented and attractive woman in the company," but faults her cloud swing, the only aerial turn in the show, for being too far out of sight. "It seems to be an attempt at a thrill act. It doesn't work."

Set features a very expensive looking slide that is "unrelated to the performance."

As for the dance theme, Agent A feels it "doesn't work on an extended basis."

Costumes are "for the most part dreadful." Ouch! Well, early press photos I received from BAC PR dept. of cast members affecting dancerly poses were terribly bland. No background whatsoever. No context. So there, another provisional ouch.

Now, let us hurry out the back door to where intrigue may be unfolding as we gossip gloriously on. Agent A opines that exec director Garry Dunning, from the dance world "seems to pursue ideas that won't work (remember Oops) instead of concentrating on what he has."

Hmmm, that remarks suggest to me that Dunning has the "yes and the no" on this precariously overstaffed lot (remember when it was just Paul and Michael and their little tent?). This raises once again the Big Question that is yet to be answered to my sanctification. Who really is in charge over there.

Rumors have it, according to A A, that a former marketing operative "may soon be returning to the show in a management position. Many believe he was a contributor to the problems it now has, so this does not sound like a positive step."

Lot layout at Lincoln Center, where the new show just uncorked, includes two "huge new" reception tents. "They make the show appear small and do not contribute to concession sales or a fun atmosphere."

I'm waiting for the reviews. I'm also wondering how spot-on Agent A might be. To him for his candor, I send my anonymous thanks.

Stay tuned. And oh, by the way, give yourself a break, stop shivering outside the ice house and go home. I just heard that the circus train you were waiting for is headed back to the barn already. A week or so ago. Show went broke.

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