Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

The Morning Midway: Tale of Two Circus Museums -- Anonymous+ Checks In ...

Note: I'm bringing this one, submitted by Anonymous, out onto the platform, it deserves a barker's attention -- SD.

Opening a CIRCUS museum in this millennium? You must be joking. I agree with your prediction that the best it can hope for is to attract some geriatric circus fans. Has anyone seen ANY evidence that the citizens are clamouring to know more about the past of a business they care little about in the present.
Prior to the 80's, there were numerous specials and/or weekly circus shows on TV, "Ringling's opening in St Pete was an annual special, as was the Monte Carlo Festival, Bert Park's circus show, Circus of the Stars (I know, I know, much reviled by performers) every show from the 'Mod Squad' to 'The Lucy Show' had circus themed episodes. Kids toys had circus themes, books were written and big budget movies were made with the circus as a center piece. None of that exists now - none of it. Interest in the circus has never been less. And, here come a new bazillion dollar venture. Unbelievable. Perhaps they could include a wing devoted to the numerous vaudeville fans, or perhaps a burlesque annex, or better yet, a buggy whip museum. That should bring 'em in.
I have to wonder, once our aged crop of memorabilia collectors have passed, will a circus poster from the old Sells show have any value at all on Ebay? Doubt it.

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