Rabu, 30 September 2009

MIDWAY FLASH ... MIDWAY FLASH ... latitude laliberte ... latitude laliberte ... cirque du launch ... cirque du launch ...

second umbilical will retract just moments from now. there it goes. main entrance start. we have main entrance start. engines at maximum thrust. lift off. lift off of the Soyuz rocket as jeff williams, max aray and guy laliberte begin their journey to the international space station ...

good pitch program according to flight controllers. heading for a linkup with the international space station two days from now. good first stage performance being reported. the Soyuz delivering one hundred and two tons of thrust from its four boosters and its single engine. first stage measuring sixty eight feet in length, twenty four feet in diameter.

is normal. and everything is nominal on board the soyuz. pitch and roll reported to be nominal by russian flight controllers. one minute ten seconds into the flight. the velocity now eleven hundred miles per hour. passing through maximum dynamic pressure. so we can see you quite well. excellent. about twenty seconds to go until the jettison of the four strap on boosters. all systems reported to be in excellent shape.

one one zero. one two zero. we have separation. two minutes seven seconds into the flight. we have the jettison of the four strap on boosters. the soyuz now traveling thirty three hundred fifty miles an hour. and now it's comfortable. now evident as the boosters fall away. about thirty seconds from now, we should be hearing the confirmation of the escape tower and launch route jettison.

coming up on the three minute mark, into the flight, the soyuz traveling at a speed of forty seven hundred miles an hour ...

now a view of space flight participant guy laliberte in the right seat of the soyuz vehicle. soyuz performing nominal, three minutes fifteen seconds into the flight ...

we can see you are showing us thumbs up. as far as we can judge, it means you are feeling good. he just said, "super." guy said, he's very happy.

the crew reporting back that it is in excellent spirits heading uphill, three minutes fifty seconds into the flight ..


the second stage fifty six feet in length, thirteen and a half feet in diameter ... a single engine providing ninety six tons of thrust.



launch occurred at two fourteen and forty two seconds a.m. central time.

second stage separation. the four liquid fuel engines have fulfilled their role for today, now dropping away.




all of the soyuz systems performing perfectly, five and a half minutes into the flight.

i can see william, and we can see the lion.

... the soyuz now traveling at about ten thousand five hundred miles an hour .

.. ... ............ .... *** ***

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we're sharing our impressions ...

almost thirteen thousand miles an hour ... ^ ^ ^

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