Senin, 16 Juli 2007

Kelly-Miller Update: Fire Destroys Truck ... Boffo Biz Rules ... North II, High on Ownership, Due to Rejoin Show for 2008 Production Talks ...

Let’s first clear the smoke away. Climbing up a long steep grade, a Kelly-Miller sleeper pulling a seat wagon caught fire and was totally destroyed. Occupants Michael Harber (the show’s musical director) and K-M school teacher David Schwartz came out of it okay ...On went the show ...

Tomorrow’s Promise Rising: Due in on July 30 is owner John Ringling North II, buzzing with ideas for next season’s tour. "He has some definite plans,." reports show manager Jim Royal. Next year’s route is to be hashed out. Also slated for revamping is their customer-unfriendly website. And North II Plans to spend more days on the lot next year....

"He is thoroughly enjoying his new role as circus owner," reports Royal. That includes being a hands-on sort of guy. The staff and fans are finding John Ringling North’s nephew to be down to earth, friendly, accessible, and even amusing. ‘He has a very positive outlook," says Royal, "and a great sense of humor." Upon hearing of the truck fire, North’s first concern was for the welfare of Harber and Schwartz. Get them into the "Jomar," he said. Get their damaged belongings replaced ...

The animals are also getting a warm shoulder from their new big top boss.. When the show's expecting llama miscarriaged, North II and wife Shirley, ranchers in Ireland, administered anti-biotic injections ... Now, if Kelly-Miller needs a vet dent, they might call up Baraboo’s kindly retired dentist, Bob Dewel. He’s an all-purpose kind of guy ... In fact, he's waiting back there in the wings to make a cameo ...

Ringmaster and performance director John Moss has been tinkering with the program. Lights have been upgraded, a new sound system purchased.. All good signs of corporate health, kids...

During North’s ten-day visit, he will travel with the circus to Kelly’s Island. The circus goes there annually via ferry. Islanders are dockside, waiting full of cheer. Full houses are the rule...

America’s newest circus owner is on the phone with Royal several times a week. He’s got sawdust in his blood if you ask me ....So far, so good?


Big Top Add-Ons: "I am proud to be one of the three people who read your biog," e-mails one of my staunch visitors. And, I have a fourth! That would be above-mentioned Bob of Baraboo, who wishes to turn my trio of fans into a quartet of, what, groupies? ... I feel their incessant push; gosh, this attention will kill me ... Summer is a bizzy time for Bob: He conducts daily tours at the Al Ringling Theatre, favors the lucky with his superb keyboard pipe organ recitals, gives speeches about town and hosts impromptu family reunions... Summer has been too slow for our Bob, who longs for full houses. He did get something of a lift when fifty people showed up for "the tour." ... Later on, though, around midnight, Harry Potter on the big screen was playing to four times that many ...

Let’s see, Bob, you play keyboard and you can drill? Do llamas ever need root canals?

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