Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Board Game Twitter: Trying to Make "Can't Stop Shopping" the Next Monopoly ...

While Sinatra sings “Blue Moon” off my old turntable, I’m typing new title ideas for fortune cards in a board game you have not yet heard of, a game called Can’t Stop Shopping. My friend Boyi Yuan (above) and I, who invented what is sure to rival Monopoly (you need self-motivation to embark on these projects), played it a few times last night. A “Sale Ends” card means any discount cards held by players must be returned. Boyi excitedly declared, that should include ALL fortune cards, including free taxi rides to anywhere on the board.

Really? Creativity, sometimes in a burst shaking a fragile status quo, can lead to the changes you need. So I listen to Boyi, as he listens to me. Did you Monopoly lovers know how long the game (my one true love) was played in many forms before Parker Bros in 1935 finally, after grave doubts, took it on and made history? It came from an earlier invention called The Landlords, created by a woman in Philly. Even a recent sensation out of Germany, Settlers of Catan, took a few years to take flight. Yes. Go look it up. (Please take note, any Mark Monopoly Zuckerbergs out there: our design and rules are fully copyrighted, Sorry.)

Monopoly in the beginning: The Landlords, patented in 1904 by Lizzie J. Magie, a quaker who belonged to a tax reform movement advocating against landlord advantages.

So here I am, in our The Landlords stage, thinking of how to clearly link the discount AND free taxi ride cards under an umbrella title, which I will propose to Boyi when next we network. See what he thinks. Discount Days Coupon? Sale-Athon Coupon? (How clever I thought, until I found that “Saleathon” is already a word. ) Sale Away Coupon? (That sounds original!?!) I settled for now on simply "Sale Day." I'll run the other ideas by Boyi and see how he reacts.

We’ve put up a Flea Market (for losers needing to raise cash fast) amidst the various stores from which players make purchases in a mad ruthless scramble (dice rolling luck and shrewd strategic planning) to be the first to reach one of two shopping goals.

Sinatra just sang “It all depends on you”. He means us, the inventors?

We play the game with as many testers as we can con – Experts tell you to sit there and watch the reactions of others. That’s the only way your game can viably develop. Body language does not lie. Wordlessly, people reveal a whole lot. And you gotta take it.

First and second games played over Chinese rails last April, on the T15 from Beijing to Guangzhou

Third and fourth games played in room 1110 at the Taishan Gaoyi Hotel in Taishan

Carping comments from the unimpressed? “That’s the best feedback!” Boyi once remarked after I’d played another of my game attempts in San Francisco to some uppity game board addicts (OK, that game -- Hired! Fired!, in limbo, was way too complicated). Can’t Stop Shopping is causing more player excitement as we make changes. A month or two ago, one glum guy, himself a game inventor who claims to make a living at poker, sat there not revealing a shred of emotion. Humbled, only thing I could get from him at the end was, ‘I think the players need more choices.” A few words can open big creative doors.

After a day or so of acute wandering-in-the-darkness depression, I pulled out an older idea that Boyi had floated in passing, tweaked it a tad, we talked about the tweaking angle and it lead to a major revamping of how to win our game in a way that allows all players to easily track the progress of their rivals. Which is like suddenly watching a horse race in the sunshine (good) that you were trying to watch through a dense fog (bad).

I’ll show these new title ideas and other stuff we talked about needing clarity when I see Boyi end of the week. We go back and forth, easily ...

Sinatra is now in his blue heaven, not one of his best efforts. But I wait for “September in the Rain.” This is not an album I give my full attention to. Tonight, to compensate for giving him short shrift this morning, I might sit down and savor every monent of his classic LP, “Only the Lonely.”

As for next, semi-background: maybe the CD that I first heard at the tea house, Gran Riserva? I'm tying to read the cover; it's in a foreign language! Some names: Dzihan - Kamien -- “Deep Kitsch” is the track I heard that made me buy it. Most of the tracks amply fine.

I couldn’t stop shopping after I heard that one beguiling track — even without a free on-line taxi ride.

Our semi-latest prototype version reflects critical design changes, some prompted by test-player feedback

Minggu, 27 Februari 2011

Sunday Morning, Looking Back: RECIPE FOR REVIVAL -- Tough Love for Troubled Big Tops ...

This first appeared on February 15, 2009

From Showbiz David to Beleaguered Circus Owners

I feel your pain, even if you don’t. I would like to see you succeed, even if you believe you already are. Even if you refuse to be traumatized by the thousands of empty seats you fail to fill. And so, risking a class action lawsuit for subjecting you beyond your will to my forced advice, you are hereby enrolled in my (drum roll, please!) ...


1. IT’S THE SHOW STUPID! No matter the venue, crowd-wowing showmanship is built on time-tested elements — swiftly paced action, smooth transitions, contrasting moods, music, lights, costumes -- all tautly shaped between sudden decisive openings (as opposed to haphazard pre-show ceremonial nonsense) and big flashy finishes. Bottom line: everything that goes on in and around your single or half ring either adds to or subtracts from the flow of action. REPEAT AND MEMORIZE: EITHER ADDS TO OR SUBTRACTS FROM THE FLOW OF ACTION. Anything that does not (to be addressed next) must go, and go NOW. We in the audience are not impressed. We see through your desperate veiled appeals for money. We do not welcome their disrupting the seductive sawdust spell you sometimes cast over us.

2. OUT, DAMN CONCESSIONS! Are you a circus or a concessionaire on the skids with a backlog of cotton candy to blow up before you blow out? If you still harbor a secret desire to be the next Royal American Carnival, I’d suggest moving your coloring book spiels, your photo ops and various rides along right now, out of the tent and onto the midway where they belong. And the moment I hear one more idiotically intrusive Peanut Peterson pitch DURING ANY PART OF YOUR PERFORMANCE, I swear, no matter the hour, no matter the place, I am getting up out of my seat with megaphone in hand, placing it up to my frothing mouth and shouting “I've heard that fifty thousand times already and I’m not gonna be pitched it anymore!”

3. CONFINE YOUR RING TO THE PERFORMANCE ONLY Money changers, out of the tent! Why? Okay, let’s think this through. A good performance creates and sustains audience engagement. Think of watching a movie in a theatre that every 10 or 20 minutes is shut down while some hack tries selling you on having a pet boa constrictor wrapped around your neck during intermission while a priest gives you last rites and your photo is taken. How might you feel, huh? Clutter your show up with junk and your audience leaves subliminally irritated by everything that got in the way of why they went there in the first place. Have I made my point yet??? They paid to see a performance, not to watch Shopping Channel Goes to the Circus. If you still don’t get it, I’d suggest simply getting out of the business.

4. RETIRE ALL "GUEST ARTISTS" TO THEIR SEATS, WHERE THEY BELONG I do not pay to see customers perform. Give them a good five years off, during which time you will relearn the art of hiring sufficient acts to entertain in lieu of filling up dead space with audience dead heads. I have yet to see a member of the paying public become part of the show in any other venue, be it a rock concert, ballet, stage show, rodeo, or public hanging. And please, will somebody tell the Shriners that we can no longer risk incalculable damage to whatever is left of clowning in American by their unwelcome holidays in greasepaint.

5. REMEMBER ATMOSPHERE? How about restoring a little, such as (and you know who you are) spreading a little sawdust or pink spray paint where the ring used to be. Or at least taking a crash course from any one of the two thousand co-founders of Cirque du Soleil who are standing by this very moment, ready to French up your operation.

6. POPCORN BY THE TON Give us a bloody break! Give us the half-ton box at half the price. You lure the public in with generally humane ticket pricing options. And then you ensnare them in your calculating concession pits, draining them of every last cent you can. I sat behind a poor woman at a small very under performing circus with her son, who kept raising the subject of popcorn. She told him she'd pop some when they got home. They did not return after intermission. Really, what do you accomplish by making it so difficult for adults with children to survive circus day? Why not a Dollar Matinee or two at the concession booth during each stand? Jack up the VIP night show prices, if you must, for rich Wall Street survival geniuses wishing to flaunt their stolen wealth in high American fashion.

7. ORGANIZE A UNIFIED MUSICAL SCORE If you can’t afford a live band (and by "live band," I am not talking accordion and/or bongo player), at least assign a real person to assemble a recorded score that is more than a juke box randomly stocked with the CDS handed you by your arriving acts.

8. PACING, PACING, PACING Remember when acts flew by? When, after one ended, somehow, someway, the next was actually somewhere inside the tent, maybe already in or over the ring performing? Return to the one-act format and concentrate your assets into a tighter, more memorable one-two wallop. Know what? If you thrill a few people, they might go out and talk up your show, and that might pull in more people to the next one. It’s called “word of mouth.”

9. OFFER A PIECE OF PAPER LISTING THE ACTS -— if that’s all you can afford. Remember the program magazines you once sold? The demise of these expected items which are still offered in virtually every other avenue of live entertainment is a tell tale sign of a big top being wheel-barrowed down the road on cherry pie life support. If you can’t hand out at least a one page flier listing the names of your performers, I’d say it’s time to consider a career change; check out some self-help gurus on PBS (Pledge Break Society) for re-birthing advice.

10. IF IT'S SOMETHING MY NEIGHBOR CAN DO, I DON'T WANT TO SEE IT IN YOUR CIRCUS I do not pay to see marbles or kick the ball, doing the daisy chain or hula hoop sleepover, thank you. Unless you can engage that true rarity -- the artist who makes me forget I'm actually watching a hula hoop act -- bring back pin the donkey.

11. RINGMASTER, HOLD YOUR TONGUE I know at least one who can’t stop talking. An immediate gag order on every gasbag announcer who thinks he or she is the real show. He or she is not. These vocal hosts should be heard briefly, and should not themselves become the show unless they have valid acts to offer. "Are you enjoying the show so far, folks?" is not a valid act.

12. IT'S NOT THE STORY, STUPID! You are not the Royal Shakespeare Company over sawdust staging Six Characters in Search of a Producing Clown. No matter what you believe, modern-day "story telling" under a tent is nothing more than big top broccoli designed to give snobs the satisfaction of having endured a quasi Cirque du Soleil out-of-body experience. If you can't resist, then tell your “story” in brief fleeting moments, so that it passes quickly enough to satisfy theatre types without in any way impeding the flow of CIRCUS action. In other words, it should have the tantalizing brevity of an old fashioned American clown walkaround. Leave’em wanting more, not less.

And on that note, I'm leaving. There's a man out there who wants to see me about ad rates. Anybody heard of Dixiana Peanuts?


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Two Big Big Tops Blasted: Feds Fine Pugh's Cole Bros. for Illegal Elephant Sale; Parent Pans UniverSoul for Stripper & Pimp Skit

Endangered Species Act violators: John Pugh and Wilbur Davenport, between whom a nefarious sale of two Cole Bros. Circus elephants occurred in 2006, both now facing three years of probation mandating 100 hours a year of community service. Prosecutors, who reached a plea agreement on misdemeanor charges last Tuesday in Texas with Pugh and Davenport, leveled a $150,000 fine against Cole Bros. Circus itsself and placed it on a four-year probation. Pugh admitted having "failed to assure" that Davenport had secured the papers necessary to satisfy federal regulations. Cole's Renee Storey characterized the issue as a "technicality."

Hardly a technicality if, in fact, Davenport mistreated the bulls as he was subsequently charged by federal inspectors. Davenport, in fact, lost custody in 2009 of the two purchased pachyderms, Tina and Jewell (companions for 30 years) after sufficient evidence surfaced that he failed to ensure for their safety and to provide "adequate veterinary care or food." ... An especially sad tale coming after upbeat reports of Cole Bros. reaping some boffo crowds last season and now considering the addition of more seats and/or rings to its apparently rebounding big top ... Now, just where and how, I wonder, will Johnny serve out his" community service"? ... Why, Johnny, why? ...

Shame Over Sawdust! Mini dramas under circus tents are not, historically speaking, new. The early American shows presented narrative enactments, however crude, of great themes. Here comes UniverSoul Circus, which per custom, usually ends the show on a low note of sex, drugs, gospel hymns and and more sex and drugs, all of it parading under the dubious guise of a morality lesson. This year, producing pastor Cedric Walker (he's the guy who owns UniverSoul) has uncorked a shocker of a ring grabber replete with strippers, Johns, coke sniffers, and a woman who is sold to a pimp by her very own boyfriend, gets slapped around until she surrenders to her new job description. Which brings to mind what a terrific spec could be told here through the novel use of such traditional circus items as the trampoline, the springboard and the cracking whips. Not all the mothers out in the audience were thrilled ...

One acutely offended patron, Kristine Brown, told WSBTV in Atlanta of having been absolutely outraged. "I didn't think that was child friendly at all," she complained. The whole sordid spectacle caused her to hustle her two kids, aged five and eight, out of the tent in haste -- she missed the tale's redeeming end where the woman forced into prostitution finds an escape route (a magic act?), "giving her life to Christ." Defending the item as a "gospel-themed finale" (I am laughing out loud as I write this), the show's spin master Hank Ernest explained, "Our show is about positive messages and sometimes to get to these you have to go to those lows." A few other mamas agreed with Ms. Brown, but others defended the skit as being not "too graphic." I recall, at UniverSoul about five years ago, having to endure a loud obnoxious ringmistress who called herself "grandma from the hood" and who carried on like a woman in her declining years forging the streets for fast thrills. The message in that, pastor Walker? ...

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Download Film Unstoppable

Download Film UNSTOPPABLE disini gratis

Dated Released : 12 November 2010

Quality : BRRip 720p-CHD

Info :

Lihat : Trailer

Starring : Denzel Washington, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson

Genre : Action | Drama | Thriller


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Big Apple Circus in Tricky Transition: Owners, Not "Artistic Directors," Chart the Course, Make the Difference

When the future of Ringling-Barnum hung by a thread in 1956, a humbled John Ringling North hired back Art Concello, above, granting him the authority of virtual owner to move the circus from the tents to the arenas. A brilliant move.

The departure of Gary Dunning as executive director of Big Apple Circus raises some pressing issues that circus companies, by and large, do not face.

Big Apple's operating mode is an anomaly. It has increasingly relied on corporate charity (aka: "funding") for needed revenue. Paul Binder, de facto symbolic owner, had a fine lucky streak of lush fund raising, which he used to build up an incredibly complex, incredibly overstaffed "non profit" company. The funding binge has dried up, and the show is now stuck at the ticket windows hurting for sufficient cash to sustain its operation, more important, its upscale New York reputation. And there are less folks -- at least beyond New York city -- eager to spend a few hours under the tent.

Which makes the now-struggling show alone in its predicament. Yes, other troupes, like Circus Flora, also rely on local community support. But they are very small and play out very short seasons compared to the institution developed by Binder and co-founder Michael Christensen. Let's not forget they have been going for 30-plus seasons. But, without Binder?

I can think of no circus in this country that has done well for very long using the BAC non-profit structure. A circus is not a symphony or ballet company permanently anchored to one city where its artists live and in which it presents, year around, the majority of its performances. A circus is a band of gypsies who rely on a multitude of dates across a wide geographical swatch.

Art Concello once told me that the circus "is an animal that labor does not fit into." Same goes, I think, for the circus as being an animal not practically operated by a traditional non-profit performing arts entity.

While BAC searches to find a new executive director, itself theoretically the most critical position (the closest to owner), the new artistic director Guillaume Dufresnoy stands to enjoy additional clout. And he needs to work fast while he does, that is assuming he has strong artistic designs that stand a chance of reversing declining ticket sales. Based on lackluster response to his first fully self-directed outing, Dance On!, this seems a long shot.

What do Barbara Byrd, John Ringling North II, Johnny Pugh, Cedric Walker, Guy Laliberte all have in common? They are all circus owners. Their word is final. They do not report to boards. They hire artistic directors to serve their visions, brilliant or banal. Under this arrangement, the owner is forced to make decisions in a constant battle to "make nut," as they say. The owner, indeed, is in closer touch with retail realities, and therefore better positioned to stay corporately afloat. I assume that Binder grew to rely too much on the next fund-raising venture on the calendar to bring in that long hoped for miracle donation.

Dunning (credited for effective fund-raising until the Great Recession arrived) came from the world of dance, from the non-profit performance groups whose existence depends as much upon the kindness of corporate America as it does on the number of tickets sold. In the wake of Paul Binder's recent retirement, Dunning made waves about shaking up the show artistically and even extending its touring reach far and wide. I would love to have seen both goals reached. But Mr. Dunning harbored some oddball ambitions, like the rock and roll show that caused a mini riot, got closed down and deepened Big Apple's debts. Now he leaves to head up Celebrity Series of Boston, touted as "New England's leading performing arts presenter."

Unfortunately, or so it would appear from tepid reviews and consumer feedback, Dufresnoy's first effort, Dance On! was far from a box-office hit. Possibly the board decided to blame Dunning more than Dufresnoy.

Which would be considered a practical reaction in the real world of big top survival. Nobody really blames director Richard Barstow for the fall of Ringling under canvas in 1956, anymore than they would blame the current Ringling-Barnum "director" for the collapse of Feld Entertainment productions -- were that to occur. They blamed John Ringling North, just as they would blame Kenneth Feld.

The Big Apple Board has its work cut out for it; who to find out there who can carry on like an owner more than an "executive director," or, weaker yet, "artistic director."

They are facing their own John Ringling North 1956 moment; they need to find an Art Concello to put the pieces back together and make the thing run, just run.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Download Film The Mechanic

Download Film THE MECHANIC disini gratis

Tanggal Rilis :28 January 2011

Jenis Film :Action | Drama | Thriller

Diperankan Oleh :Jason Statham, Ben Foster, Donald Sutherland

Ringkasan Cerita FILM THE MECHANIC :

    Arthur Bishop (Jason Statham) adalah seorang ‘mekanis’ – pembunuh elit dengan aturan yang ketat dan bakat unik untuk menghilangkan jejak targetnya. Bishop adalah yang terbaik dalam bisnis ini. Namun saat mentor dan teman dekatnya, Harry (Donald Sutherland) dibunuh, Bishop tidak mampu menolong mereka. Tugas selanjutnya adalah balas dendam – membunuh pihak yang bertanggung jawab. Misinya terhambat saat putra Harry, Steve (Ben Foster) mempunyai misi yang sama dan ingin belajar dari Bishop. Bishop selalu bekerja sendirian namun kali ini ia tidak bisa menolak Steve. Ketika misi sedang dijalankan, ancaman demi ancaman menghantui dan mereka harus menyelesaikan semua masalah yang menghambat . . .

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Download Film And Soon The Darkness

Download Film AND SOON THE DARKNESS gratis disini

Tanggal Rilis : 11 Februari 2011 (Inggris)

Jenis Film : Horror | Thriller

Diperankan Oleh : Amber Heard, Odette Yustman dan Karl Urban


    And Soon the Darkness adalah sebuah film thriller horror tahun 2010 yang merupakan remake dari film dengan judul yang sama tahun 1970. Film ini disutradarai oleh Marcos Efron dan ditulis oleh Jennifer Derwingson dan Marcos Efron. Tidak seperti film aslinya yang mengambil lokasi di Perancis, film ini berlokasi di Argentina.
    Stephanie (Amber Heard) dan Ellie (Odette Yustman) hanya ingin berlibur di tempat yang sunyi. Sayangnya ini malah jadi awal dari malapetaka yang bakal mereka alami. Saat salah satu dari mereka tiba-tiba menghilang dan hanya meninggalkan bekas-bekas yang mencurigakan, hanya ada satu kesimpulan: ia telah diculik dan bisa jadi jiwanya tak akan tertolong lagi.
    Stephanie dan Ellie semula mengira kalau berlibur di sebuah tempat terpencil di Argentina akan melepaskan mereka dari belenggu rutinitas sehari-hari. Awalnya mereka berdua bersenang-senang tanpa ada yang mengganggu. Masalah baru muncul ketika mereka berdua bertengkar dan Stephanie memutuskan berjalan-jalan sendiri untuk melepas kekesalannya . . .

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Download Film The Eagle

Download Film THE EAGLE gratis disini

Tanggal Rilis :23 February 2011

Jenis Film :Action | Adventure | Drama

Diperankan Oleh :Channing Tatum, Jamie Bell, Donald Sutherland

Ringkasan Cerita FILM THE EAGLE :

    Pada 140 AD, dua puluh tahun setelah hilangnya dijelaskan Legiun seluruh Kesembilan di pegunungan Skotlandia, perwira muda Marcus Aquila (Tatum) tiba dari Roma untuk memecahkan misteri dan mengembalikan reputasi ayahnya, komandan Kesembilan. Ditemani hanya dengan nya Inggris budak Esca (Bell), Marcus menetapkan di Hadrian Wall ke dataran tinggi belum dipetakan Kaledonia - untuk menghadapi suku liar tersebut, membuat perdamaian dengan memori ayahnya, dan mengambil emblem emas di legiun hilang itu, Elang dari Kesembilan . . . 

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Download Film Death Note 2 The Last Name

Download Film DEATH NOTE 2 THE LAST NAME gratis disini

Tanggal Rilis : 3 November 2006 (Hong Kong)
Jenis Film : Adventure | Crime | Drama
Diperankan Oleh : Tatsuya Fujiwara, Takeshi Kaga dan Shido Nakamura


Death Note Merupakan rangkaian dua film Jepang yang dirilis pada tahun 2006 yang diangkat dari cerita manga Death Note dan serial anime oleh Tsugumi Ohba dan Takeshi Obata, dan disutradarai oleh Shusuke Kaneko.
Death Note: The Last Name yang merupakan sekuel Death Note sebelumnya, menceritakan tentang Kira Kedua yaitu seorang artis yang baru naik daun bernama Misa Amane, diceritakan juga asal usul mengapa Misa memiliki buku Death Note yang kedua. Misa memiliki buku death Note yang kedua karena dewa kematian yang selalu menjaga Misa (bernama Jealous) mati untuk menyelamatkan Misa yang akan dibunuh oleh seorang penjahat . . .
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Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Download Film Cyrano Agency

Download Film CYRANO AGENCY gratis disini

Dated Released : 16 September 2010

Quality : DVDRip

Info :

Country : South Korea

Starring : Tae-woong Eom, Min-jung Lee, Daniel Choi

Genre : Comedy | Romance


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Download Film Shaolin

Download Film SHAOLIN disini gratis

Dated Released : 20 January 2011

Quality : HDTV

Info :

Lihat : trailer

Starring : Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Bingbing Fan

Genre : Action | Drama


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Incestuous Dreams Ad Nauseam: "Inception" is Ridiculously Overrated

What an evening, trying to get through a bad bad cinema dream called Inception ... Struggling not to hit the pause button, then the eject drawer, then go surfing for junk TV relief.

I am ASTONISHED over this film having suckered so many critics into embracing it. Who could possibly be enthralled by such a pretentiously obtuse script other than maybe a brain scientist specializing in the overactive subconscious during sleep; a critic fearing being seen as out of trendy touch; or anybody who believes that any flick in which the once-compelling Leonardo DiCaprio appears just must be, has got to be great.

Item: The King's Speech, and my favorite, The Social Network, are tremendously realized works that make utter plain brilliant sense, and has anybody a problem with that?

Item: But then again, I harbor no illusions about dreams having a reality of their own.

Item: To my reassuring delight, wondering if I had reached a new low in move-going under comprehension, I looked up the reviews and the following lights also were left dumbfounded and put off: New Yorker, Chicago Reader, Village Voice, New York Magazine, and the ever delightful Rex Reid, calling this vain celluloid puzzle "drivel." Thank you, T. Rex.

So there, I just had to get this out.

DiCaprio was a marvel in his youth playing poets and painters. In recent years, mostly he has fallen prey to mediocre roles in mediocre films. The one sterling exception: His superlative performance in Revolutionary Road. Therein, we did not see Leonardo; we saw and believed in the character he was evenhandedly playing.

Inception goes totally off course when it resorts to all sorts of hokey James Bond-like shoot 'em up scenes, evidently inserted for those suffering from Inception-induced fatigue. Does anybody really care what this mess might be about?

Final kicker! Guy at my local video store up Piedmont Avenue said, what many straining defenders are saying, "You you have to watch the film at least two or more times to understand it." And then? Said the same guy, "The second time I watched it, I became even more confused."

Whoever worked early PR on this Hollywood clinker deserves the P.T. Barnum Humbug of The Year Award.

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Download Film Black Death

   Download Film BLACK DEATH disini gratis

  Tahun ini, Smith kembali dengan sebuah karya terbarunya, Black Death. Masih merupakan sebuah film yang bergenre horror, Black Death membawa penontonnya kembali ke masa medieval, tepatnya pada tahun 1348 ketika daratan Inggris sedang dihantui oleh sebuah penyakit yang tidak diketahui dan menyebabkan kematian luas pada seluruh masyarakatnya. Keadaan ini kemudian semakin diperumit oleh masyarakat yang banyak mempercayai bahwa penyebaran penyakit tersebut terjadi karena perbuatan sihir yang menyebabkan terjadi banyak gejolak antara masyarakat dengan para pemuka agama.
    Adalah Ulric (Sean Bean), seorang ksatria yang ditugaskan untuk mencari sebuah desa yang masyarakatnya dikabarkan masih belum terkena dampak penyakit tersebut sama sekali. Bersama sekelompok ksatria lainnya, mereka dipimpin oleh Osmund (Eddie Redmayne), seorang rahib gereja muda yang sedang mengalami guncangan kepercayaan dan kemudian memilih ikut serta dalam rombongan Ulric karena tahu dimana keberadaan desa tersebut . . .

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Download Film Unknown

   Download Film UNKNOWN disini gratis

   Seorang pria yang mengenakan jaket jeans (James Caviezel) tiba-tiba terbangun dalam sebuah bangunan yang sekilas mirip gudang bahan-bahan kimia. Beberapa saat kemudian ia menyadari bahwa ia tak sendiri.

   Di dalam gudang yang sama tampak seorang pria yang terikat (Joe Pantoliano), seorang pria yang terborgol (Jeremy Sisto), dan seorang pria yang tampaknya terluka (Greg Kinnear). Tak lama kemudian sebuah telepon berdering. Barulah ia menyadari bahwa ia tak ingat apa pun termasuk siapa dirinya sebenarnya.

   Ternyata hal yang sama terjadi pada semua pria di sana termasuk pria yang datang belakangan (Barry Pepper). Mereka semua tidak ingat bagaimana mereka bisa sampai di sana. Yang lebih parah tak satu pun dari mereka yang tahu siapa diri mereka  atau orang yang ada di sekitar mereka . . .

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Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011

The Bleeding [2009-DVD-3gp]

Mobile Movies InfoRelease Date: 25 February 2011Genres: Action | HorrorCast: Vinnie Jones, Michael Madsen, Katherine von Drachenberg, Armand Assante, DMXDownload Gratis Film The BleedingSize: 112 mbEasyShare Download Here
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Download Film Sanctum

Download Film SANCTUM disini gratis

Dated Released : 4 February 2011

Quality : [TS-Kualitas Masih Buruk]

Info :

Runtime : 109 min

Starring : Rhys Wakefield, Allison Cratchley, Christopher B

Genre : Action | Adventure | Drama | Thriller


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Download Film BEAUTY & THE BRIEFCASE gratis disini

Dated Released : 18 April 2010

Quality : BRRip

Info :

Runtime : 83 min

Starring : Hilary Duff, Jaime Pressly, Jennifer Coolidge

Genre : Comedy | Romance


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Download Film Speed Dating

Download Film SPEED DATING gratis disini

Dated Released : 2010

Quality : DVDRip

Info :

Runtime : 98 min

Starring : Wesley Jonathan, Mekita Faiye, Chico Benymon

Genre : Comedy


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Download Film S.W.A.T.: FIREFIGHT

Download Film SWAT FIREFIGHT gratis disini

Dated Released : 2011

Quality : BDRip

Info :

Lihat : Trailer

Starring : Gabriel Macht, Robert Patrick, Kristanna Loken

Genre : Action


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