Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

CJ 7 (Film Hongkong)

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Pemeran : Stephen Chow, Xu Jiao, Kitty Zhang Yuqi, Yuen Qiu, Danny Chan Kwok Kuen, Tin Kai Man
Sutradara : Stephen Chow
Produser : Stephen Chow
Penulis : Stephen Chow
Distributor : Columbia Pictures Film Production Asia
Tanggal rilis : 30 Januari 2008 (Beijing)
Jenis Film :Comedy | Drama | Family | Fantasy | Sci-Fi

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Scenes from the Sonoma County Fair in Santa Rosa: Tradition Against Time

I marvel at how the classic Tilt-A-Whirl lives on! Of old carnival rides I recall from my youth, only the Tilt retains virtually its identical original size and platform configuration, albeit, I read in Wikipedia, with seven rather than nine tubs. It debuted in 1927 at the Minnesota State fair, and has been, it would seem, the longest running un-revised hit on midways ever since. We have modern versions of the Ferris Wheel, the swings and the Octopus, but the tilt-A-Whirl whirls on totally unchanged and unmolested by trendy enlargements. Perfection alone stands the test of time.

I could spend hours gazing at the amazingly varied "facial expressions" of the charming rabbits. No other animal I know of comes close to the rabbit in giving off such a vast catalog of human-like attitudes. Either that, or I have a field day seeing a world of characters in them.

The kids chased this hog/pig/swine back and forth; it had a will of its own.

My favorite exhibit hall contains art work by the younger generations, from very early ages to teen years. So exciting to spot genius that you hope will not be class roomed out of existence. That you hope will inspire and shape an entire life. This by Sydney N. Walter, age 12, of Cotati.

This by Andrew C. Yu, age 14, of Petaluma.

The flower show that locals claim to be, and could be, the best in the country. Some of course are better than others. This year struck me as basic. I am still ruing the exit, 16 years ago, of my favorite of all Sonoma County Fair Flower Show designers, Jacque Giuffre.

They have a new track announcer, an English voiced gentleman who adds such color to the races. In fact, I'd never thought of "exotic" as an English trait; in this rare instance, it applies. He helps restore some of the color that, year by year, seems to be slowly vanishing from the county fair. When we moved up to Santa Rosa in the late 1940s, my mom got me, my sister and brother straw hats and neckerchiefs and took us to our first fair. Such magic; sometimes, just the right whiff of cow manure brings back a rich boyhood memory.

At the racetrack, they say fewer people attend. What I miss the most are the human cashiers who once took your bets. I used to now and then place two dollars on "show." Made a few pennies on better days.

Every summer, it moves farther away from this idyllic image, snapped by my Brownie Hawkeye in the fifties. How I loved just walking under those trees. Some years back, they were all removed, the sheds rebuilt, the old folksy atmosphere rendered sterile. The management seems to favor asphalt over dirt, well-defined order over a countrified ramble. I could scream, let it be! What happened here was very much like what "Governor" Ronald Reagan did in Sacramento, when he sold the old state fairgrounds and built a new world expo type venue, dull, lifeless, cold.

Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Love and Edelweiss

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Pemeran : Mentari, Mike Lucock, Meriam Bellina, Aldo Bamar, Ira Wibowo, Donny Kesuma, Sonny Tulung, Sarah Shafitri, Chriss Hatta, Soraya Putri
Sutradara : Anto Tanjung
Produser : Putra Permata Januari
Penulis : Beng Irawan, Ical Hariawan
Distributor : Putra Pictures
Durasi     89 menit
Film rilis : 22 April 2010
Jenis Film :

Rabu, 28 Juli 2010

Rare Kenneth Feld Sightings: Big Show Boss Spotted in Action on Coney Lot

Through a bizarre chain of flukes as preciously disclosed, fate delivered me onto the Coney Island lot of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, opening night of their summer long show under a tent, Illuscination.

Sunny evening. Early arriving, I wandered into the outdoor food and rest area, past a special VIP tent. Little did I know how close I was to the Feld of Felds. When I discovered him hobnobbing with a gaggle of upscales around a stand–up fast food table, shamelessly I fell into the reluctant mode of a virtual peeping paparazzi, albeit with camera in pocket. I moved this way and that, stealing weaselly glances from afar in an effort to view the goings of a true big top tycoon.

Mr Feld was primly attired in a rather drab suit. Conservatively groomed. We are not talking metro sexual. He struck me as stout-hearted, strong on his feet and vigorously engaged. His animated manner that of a carnie pitchman, similar, as I recall, to my one fleeting Irvin Feld sighting years ago. Bear with me here, World, if I seem to be “obsessing,” but my only aim is to journalistically bear witness. Now, at this point, there was not much I could do, so I circled the power zone like an invading mosquito of slim prospects, keeping my stalking wings as under control as possible. I wondered what my subject might say that could be discretely overheard. But I failed miserably to zoom in, as they say; That sort of observational space crashing — “Well, there he is, the man himself! A fun question, Mr. Feld? Any exciting new productions planned with ex-CIA operatives?” — does not suit my shy nature. Camera stayed in pocket.

But then something substantial happened; He turned about and walked away, alone, without lackey or Pinkerton, toward the concession tent. I was struck by how remarkably short he is. I’d only seen him once before, back in the 1970s standing quietly at the edge of the performance area at a Florida venue monitoring the spec as it circled the track. The show was then, New York bound, still a work in progress. He struck me that evening as the essence of calm.

Compared to my distant mental snapshot, I had not imagined Kenneth Feld being so short, nor so animated either. Actually, one might say that this lack of height adds an overcompensating flair to his persona. The youthfully invigorated circus king ambled with the slightly swaggering air of an innocent kid maximizing an overstepped gait to project power and confidence. His glib saunter brought to mind Charlie Chaplin's Everyman character.

Through the maze of patrons and circusy things for sale I followed sheepishly after, seeking additional insights that did not rise above the level of vapid. (I report; you deride.). He slipped into the tent, and I lost contact.

He resurfaced to lead a pre-show appearance by the Family Feld, scripted and staged for the entire house. Out strode, with a statuesque air of authority and privilege, Mr. Feld and stately daughters -- counting three if I am correct, each as I recall looming taller than her dad, a rather charming irony, and neither wearing drab. Feld's appreciative address to the crowd, great to be back at Coney, etc., was strong and steady, clear and to the point. And with that, I concluded that I was done with him.

But, as fate would have it, I was not. The Gods of petty power worshiping rituals had invaded my chronic indifference, at last.

As previously sworn to my faithful four followers, in seeking relief from my crummy $10 seat only one row off the floor (too many late arrivers blocking my view), and with the sympathetic reluctance of one young usher, I stole into a better section of empties. At intermission, I discovered Mr. Feld once more (his now familiar backside, that is), standing right there in the aisle on my row conversing with an entourage of corporate and/or religious associates. Then, once more on his own, he made his way down the steps in a carefree manner. Moments later, I noticed him sauntering happily around the ring on his way out, and holding hands with a woman whom I assumed to be his wife. Together, they lent the impression of young marital bliss.

Now, we are close to the target moment. The piece de resistance! The second half is about to begin. I notice that our subject under surveillance has returned and is now sitting on the aisle directly across from the person in the chair next to mine. (For those logistically challenged, I am sitting two seats off the aisle.)

Alright, journalism is about to ascend the heights of its sacred calling. Comes now, at last, my most revealing sighting. Are you ready for the revelation of revelations? Count this your right of passage, this bright shining insight your day and your night. Your holy grail, your wind, your sail, your morning coffee and snail. Drum rolls! Trumpets! A full hallelujah fanfare, Maestro Evans, if you please!...

I happened to glance once (and only once) to my right: Exactly this I observed: Kenneth Feld was seated, well composed in his chair, eagerly watching the show.

(photos, from the top: my original seating area; the section I crashed]

# 1 Camp Cheerleader (2010)

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Pemain : Charlene Tilton, Sarah Agor, Harmony Blossom, Jay Gillespie
Director : Mark Quod
Writer :Naomi L. Selfman (written by)
Release Date : 27 July 2010 (USA)
Genre : Comedy

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Salt (2010)

Download Gratis Film Salt (2010) - Sinopsis, Review | Subtitle Indonesia

Starring : Angelina Jolie, Liev Schreiber, Chiwetel Ejiofor
Directed by : Phillip Noyce
Produced by : Lorenzo di Bonaventura, Sunil Perkash
Written by : Kurt Wimmer, Brian Helgeland
Music : James Newton Howard
Distributed : Columbia Pictures
Release date 23 July 2010
Running time : 100 minutes
Country : United States

Sang Dewi (Film Indonesia)

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Sutradara : Dwi Ilalang
Produser : Adrianus Yoga D.
Penulis : Dwi Ilalang, Republik Tebe, Masree Ruliat, Jeremias Nyangoen
Pemeran : Sabai Morscheck, Volland Humonggio, Donny Alamsyah, Cathy Sharon, Dendy Subangil, Choky Sitohang, Dolly Martin, Riki Trifarisa, Ria Irawan, Elyas Pical, Syamsul Anwar Harahap, Widi Mulia
Distributor : Big

Cinderella Man

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Oh Dae San - Kwon Sang Woo
Lee Joon Hee - Kwon Sang Woo
Seo Yoo Jin – SNSD Kim YoonA
Jang Se Eun – Han Eun Jeong
Lee Jae Min – Song Chang Eui
Jenis Film Drama Korea

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episode 2
episode 3
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episode 6
episode 7
episode 8
episode 9
episode 10
episode 11
episode 12

Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Morning Midway: Big Apple Circus Touts New Show: Not Retired Christensen Still Heads Creative Team; New AD Dufresnoy a Shadow Binder?

Despite the long-lasting ballyhoo in recent years over the retirement of founder and artistic director Paul Binder, simultaneously alluding, if ever so subtly, to significant program changes headed by Binder's replacement, Guillaume Dufresnoy, don't look for ground-breaking new showmanship. Not yet.

At least half of the founding regime, that would be Michael Christensen, still appears at the top of the "creative team" masthead. In fact, Christensen is listed as "co-founder and creative director," topping, next in line, Dufresnoy, who, by the way, assisted Binder for a slew of seasons.

This is an exceedingly conservative organization; if you love Big Apple Circus, I'd say bank on more of the same. If you long for an exciting departure, I'd say put your longing in limbo for another season or five.

No doubt, and here I'm speculating for the fun of it, Binder remains powerfully in the background. No doubt, Dufresnoy, whatever strong urges he may feel, will likely be be contained and slipped mandatory cues from others. It's also possible that Dufresnoy has not yet manifested the creative spine to take charge, and thus the continuation of Christensen's input and overriding status. Or the latter, despite earlier reports that he would follow Binder out the door, had grave second thoughts, or never fully intended in the first place to retire in tandem with his founding partner?

Strangest piece of an ill-fitting puzzle is why the company did not play up Christensen's staying on to retain top authority rather than hail the coming of Dufresnoy as signaling a new chapter in the show's history. The masthead, placing Christensen at the top, suggests that he has the yes and the no.

Acts signed for Dance On! conform to the usual BAC pattern of recent years. Dogs and horses, acrobats and aerialists. Barry Lubin's Grandma remains with the company. Other names include Jenny Vidbel, Rob Torres, Girma Tshehai, African Acrobatics International, Andrey Mantchev, Hebei Wujiao Acrobatic Troupe. BAC website as of this posting lacks photos.

This year's opus is being directed by an outsider, Eric Michael Gillet, with dance patterns devised by Peter Pucci, original scoring by Paul Rolnick. The band will play on under the returning baton of regular chart master Rob Slowik.

The Big Apple Circus paradigm, steeped in traditional respect for "classic circus," allows for subtle variations from year to year, the artistic impact ranging from stunning to, more often, stodgy. But the acts are higher draw, the production values overall sparkling. Not knowing if I will even be back there at the right time, still I'm theoretically looking forward.

The creative mix favoring choreography looks promising, with enough outsiders lured into the tent to create a potentially high-energy outing.

Meanwhile, I wonder just where Paul Binder is and how involved he still may be in the wings, issuing facial expressions and sighs of delight or regret, conversing over a cellphone with long timer collaborator,Michael. Unless, that is, the two have gone their separate ways and are no longer speaking.

[Big Apple Circus photos, from top: Michael Christensen; Guillaume Dufresnoy]

Twelve Monkeys

Download Gratis Film Twelve Monkeys | Sinopsis, Review | Trailer | Subtitle Indonesia

Directed by     Terry Gilliam
Produced by     Charles Roven
Written by     Screenplay: David Peoples, Janet Peoples,
Starring :     Bruce Willis, Madeleine Stowe, Brad Pitt, Christopher Plummer
Music by     Paul Buckmaster
Cinematography     Roger Pratt
Editing by :    Mick Audsley
Studio     Universal

Senin, 26 Juli 2010


Download Gratis Film TRANSFORMER 2 : REVENGE OF THE FALLEN | Sinopsis | Trailer

Sutradara Michael Bay
Produser Steven Spielberg, Tom DeSanto, Don Murphy, Lorenzo di Bonaventura
Penulis Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, Ehren Kruger
Pemeran Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight, John Turturro, Peter Cullen (pengisi suara)
Sinematografi Ben Seresin
Penyunting Roger

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Sunday Morning From China: Shanghai by Night

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

Kembang Perawan (Film)

Kembang Perawan - Download Film Gratis | Sinopsis | Trailer

Pemain : Adly Fairuz, Mario Merdhita, Kris Anjar, Dimas Anggara, Titi Qadarsih, Indah Kalalo
Produksi : Frame Ritz
Sutradara : Joko Nugroho
Penulis : Joko Nugroho
Jenis Film : Drama

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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Sinopsis Film Kembang Perawan


S and M (2010)

S and M - Download Gratis Fim | Sinopsis | Trailer

Pemain: Rika Kawamura / Ryohei Odai / Sora Aoi / Haruka Nishimoto
Jenis Film : Drama | semi | 18+

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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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Sinopsis Film S and M
Makoto Toda adalah seorang karyawan serius yang membangun sebuah keluarga bahagia bersama istri dan tiga anak perempuan manis dengan

A Serbian Film

A Serbian Film - Download Film Gratis | Sinopsis Film | Trailer Film | Subtitle

Directed by Srđan Spasojević
Produced by Dragoljub Vojnov (executive producer) Srđan Spasojević
Written by Aleksandar Radivojević, Srđan Spasojević, Marija Stanošević, (as script supervisor)
Starring Sergej Trifunović, Srđan Todorović
Music by Sky Wikluh
Cinematography Nemanja Jovanov (director of photography)

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

JINX (Pembawa Sial)

JINX - Download Gratis Film | Sinopsis, Ringkasan cerita | Trailer | Movie Review

Pemeran : Aurellie Moeremans, Ferdy, Ray Sahetapy, Yurike Prastika, HIM Damsyik, Hengky Solaiman, Tatang Gepeng, Fairly, Adam Jackson
Sutradara : Muhammad Yusuf
Produser : Sarjono Sutrisno
Penulis : Jazzy Mu
Distributor : Skylar Picture
Tanggal rilis : Februari 2010
Jenis : Dark Komedi
Durasi : 100 menit

The Secret

The Secret - Download Gratis Film | Sinopsis |Trailer | Movie Review | Subtitle Indonesia

Sutradara :    Drew Heriot
Produser :    Rhonda Byrne (Eksecutif Produser), Paul Harrington (Produser)
Distributor :     Prime Time Productions
Tanggal rilis :     26 Maret, 2006
Durasi :    87 ment
Jenis Film : Dokumenter
Bahasa     Inggris (subtitle bahasa Indonesia tersedia)

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid

Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Download Gratis Film, Sinopsis, Trailer, Movie Review

Director: Thor Freudenthal
Actors: Zachary Gordon, Robert Capron, Rachael Harris, Steve Zahn, Connor Fielding, Owen Fielding, Devon Bostick, Chloe Moretz, Karan Brar, Grayson Russell, Laine MacNeil, Alex Ferris, Andrew McNee, Belita Moreno, Rob LaBelle,
Genre: Comedy Family
Releases Date: 19 Maret 2010

The Last Hit Man

The Last Hit Man - Download Gratis Film, Sinopsis, Trailer, Movie Review

Actors: Joe Mantegna, Elizabeth Whitmere, Romano Orzari, Michael Majeski, William Colgate, Shawn Lawrence, Victoria Snow, Maya Ritter, Johnie Chase, Sean Orr, Joel Harris, James Binkley,
Director: Christopher Warre Smets
Releases Date: March 26, 2008
Genre: Crime Thriller

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Toy Story 3

Toy Story 3 - Download Gratis Film, Sinopsis, Trailer, Movie Review

Pemain : Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Joan Cusack, Don Rickles, Wallace Shawn, Annie Potts, Michael Keaton, Estelle Harris, Whoopi Goldberg
Sutradara : Lee Unkrich
Penulis : Michael Arndt, Guido Quaroni
Jenis Film : Animation
Produser : Darla K. Anderson
Produksi : Walt Disney Pictures
Semua Umur (general)

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Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

A Midway of Boyhood Ghosts ...

Carnies enjoy early morning coffee and donuts.

A peek at my favorite ride, The Whip. Watching it being laid out and assembled was a production. I loved the harsh heavy industrial music of its moving parts, the sudden jerking thrust of the cars rumbling around corners.

The old Ferris wheel turned with an almost graceful lilt.

My favorite attraction was the quaint Thimble Theatre fun house. The spooky dark walk-through labyrinth on the top floor. The grinding shuffle boards below. The air blast under skirts, and the collapsing floor section just before exit.

The classic Tilt-A-Whirl, about as perfectly designed a thrill ride as ever hit the midway, justly survives into the modern era. Its genius to me is shared by very few rides -- it delivers unpredictable action.

Instant fan: Thunderbolt of surprise for my friend Boyi, who knew virtually nothing of my model building and had never seen this when he's visited me, because the rides have been packed away for over three years. After work last Sunday he dropped by, having only been told "I think you will be surprised." I turned a switch and Century of Thrills came to life, five rides simultaneously. Boyi was ecstatic. "A triple triple plus!!!!!" he exclaimed, overcome with my scratch-built quarter-inch spectacle. What a pleasure when somebody so joyfully overwhelmed appreciates what you've achieved. And what a bummer: I had his immediate reaction on a video, I thought. But I hadn't clicked my camera onto the film icon!

Four rides -- The Whip, Tilt-A-Whirl, Ferris Wheel and Swings operate perfectly. 100% More than I could ever say for my Big Dipper roller coaster, a grand champ of derailments. Once upon a time, it might circle the track nine out of ten times. Not lately. I've accepted its chronic imperfections, but still soldier on, fixing this over here only to be vexed by that over there. BTW: Among others, Paul Horseman was of immense help to me on the Whip and the Wheel when I built the park (1990-2003). I'd like to add a boat ride, if I could bring off a little big splash when it hits the water. And figure out a way to get the tubs back around and connected to the lift chain.

I'm keeping Century of Thrills open up until my niece Lisa and her little boy Noah visit in August. Then down it goes so that I can lay out the roller coaster, section by section, and embark yet on a new set of prospective solutions to make the track and the train that travels it more compatible partners. Finally, I've accepted the coaster as being a permanent "work in progress." The impossible dream lives on ...

Grown Ups (2010 - film download)

Grown Ups - Download Gratis Film, Sinopsis, Trailer, Movie Review

Starring :    Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock, David Spade, Rob Schneider
Directed by : Dennis Dugan
Produced by : Jack Giarraputo, Adam Sandler
Written by : Adam Sandler, Fred Wolf
Distributed by : Columbia Pictures
Release date : 25 June 2010
Running time : 102 minutes

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Part 1,

Kick Ass

Kick Ass - Download Gratis Film, Sinopsis, Trailer, Movie Review

Pemain : Aaron Johnson, Nicolas Cage, Chloë Grace Moretz, Mark Strong, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Michael Rispoli
Sutradara : Matthew Vaughn
Penulis : Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman
Jenis Film : Action/fantasy - Dewasa (adult)
Produser : Matthew Vaughn, Brad Pitt, Kris Thykier, Adam Bohling
Produksi : Lions Gate
Durasi : 117

Nanny McPhee And The Big Bang

Nanny McPhee And The Big Bang - Download Gratis Film, Sinopsis, Trailer, Movie Review

Pemain: Emma Thompson, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Ralph Fiennes, Rhys Ifans, Maggie Smith
Genre    : Comedy
Release Date : March 26, 2010
Director    : Susanna White
Script    :  Emma Thompson, Christianna Brand
Producer    : Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Lindsay Doran
Distributor : Universal Pictures

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The Last Song

The Last Song - Download Gratis Film, Sinopsis, Trailer, Movie Review

Starring: Miley Cyrus, Bobby Coleman, Liam Hemsworth, Hallock Beals, Nick Lashaway, Carly Chaikin, Nick Searcy, Kate Vernon, Kelly Preston, Greg Kinnear
Release Date: 02, Apr 2010
Studio: Touchstone Pictures (Disney)
Director: Julie Anne Robinson
Screenwriter: Nicholas Sparks, Jeff Van Wie
Genre: Drama
Official Website:

Selasa, 20 Juli 2010


Download film air terjun pengantin | sinopsis | trailer
Pemeran :  Tamara Bleszynski, Marcel Chandrawinata, Mirasih Tyas Endah, Kieran Shidu, Navy Rizky Tavania, Andrew Ralph Roxburgh
Sutradara  :   Rizal Mantovani
Produser   :  Ody Mulya Hidayat, Penulis     Alim Sudio
Musik oleh :    Andi Rianto
Sinematografi :     Rudi Novan
Penyunting  :   Adrian Nugraha
Distributor  :  Maxima Pictures


Download Gratis Film Ayat-Ayat Cinta | sinopsis | trailer | berita terbaru ayat-ayat cinta
Pemeran : Fedi Nuril, Rianti Cartwright, Carissa Putri, Zaskia Adya Mecca, Melanie Putria
Sutradara : Hanung Bramantyo
Produser : Dhamoo Punjabi, Manoj Punjabi
Penulis     Habiburrahman El Shirazy, Retna Ginatri S. Noor, Salman Aristo
Musik oleh : Melly Goeslaw, Anto Hoed, Rossa
Distributor     MD Pictures


Download Gratis Film Laskar Pelangi | Sinopsis | Trailer | Berita Terbaru laskar Pelangi

Pemain : Cut Mini, Ikranagara, Tora Sudiro
Penulis     Andrea Hirata
Penerbit     Bentang Pustaka (Yogyakarta)
Tanggal terbit     2005
Date Released : 25 September 2008
Quality : Good
Genre : Drama, Education

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Sinopsis Film Laskar Pelangi

Laskar Pelangi

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Berita Terbaru Obama Anak Menteng - Presiden Barrack Obama Main Film?

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Berita cekdot: Obama Anak Menteng - Film yang disutradarai oleh John DeRantau ini, bercerita tentang kehidupan masa kecil orang nomor satu di Amerika Serikat Barack Obama. Film Inspiratif yang diangkat dari sebuah novel karya Damien Demarta, yang tentunya sangat menarik untuk di tonton bagi semua kalangan.


Janda Kembang

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Pemeran : Ringgo Agus Rahman, Luna Maya, Sarah Sechan, Esa Sigit, Rifat Sungkar, Joshua Pandelaki, Edric Tjandra, Joe P. Project, Sita Nursanti, Marissa Nasution
Sutradara : Lakonde
Produser : Chand Parwez Servia
Penulis : Hilman Mutasi, Away Martianto
Musik oleh : Luna Maya
Distributor     Starvision Plus
Tanggal rilis     7 Mei 2009

CAPRES – Calo Presiden

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Pemain : Dwi Sasono, Happy Salma, Catherine Wilson, Sujiwo Tejo, Butet Kertaredjasa, Kelik Pelipurlara, Denny Chandra, Remy Silado
Sutradara : Toto Hoedi
Penulis : Toto Hoedi
Jenis Film : Drama/Comedy
Produser : Shankar Rs
Produksi : Ninefx Production
Durasi : 90
Dirilis pada 4 Juni 2009

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Ai Lop Yu Pul

Download Gratis Film Indonesia Ai Lop Yu Pul | Sinopsis | Trailer

Pemain : Ricky Harun, Oxcerila, Didi Petet, Anna Shierly, Ria Irawan, Subarkah, Rahman Yakob, Vj Mike
Sutradara : Winaldha E. Melalatoa
Jenis Film : Drama/comedy
Produser : Leni Lolang
Produksi : Maleo Pictures
Durasi : 82
Rilis : 10 Desember 2009
Balas Dendam Berujung 'Ai Lop Yu Pul'

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Download Gratis Film Killers |Sinopsis | Trailer

Starring : Ashton Kutcher, Katherine Heigl, Tom Selleck
Dated Released : 4 June 2010
Quality : R5 LiNE
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1103153
Lihat : Trailer
Genre : Action | Comedy | Romance | Thriller

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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
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MediaFirePart 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,

The Back-Up Plan

Download Gratis Film The Back-Up Plan | Sinopsis | Trailer

Pemain : Jennifer Lopez, Alex O'loughlin, Danneel Harris, Eric Christian Olsen, Anthony Anderson, Noureen Dewulf
Sutradara : Alan Poul
Penulis : Kate Angelo
Jenis Film : Comedy/romance
Produser : Todd Black, Jason Blumenthal, Steve Tisch, Rodney Liber
Produksi : Cbs Films
Homepage : http://www.theback-upplan.com/
Rating LSF : Dewasa (

Shutter Island 2010

Download Gratis Film Shutter Island | Sinopsis | Trailer

Pemain : Leonardo Dicaprio, Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo, Michelle Williams, Patricia Clarkson
Sutradara : Martin Scorsese
Penulis : Laeta Kalogridis
Jenis Film : Actioan | Thriller
Produser : Martin Scorsese, Bradley J. Fischer
Produksi :  Paramount Pictures
Kualitas : BDRip XviD-iMBT
Homepage : http://www.shutterisland.com/
Durasi : 138

Zack and Miri Make a Porno

Download Gratis Film Zack and Miri Make a Porno | Sinopsis, Review | Trailer

Pemain: Seth Rogen, Elizabeth Banks, Brandon Routh, Justin Long
Sutradara: Kevin Smith
Durasi: 102 menit
Jenis : komedi | Adult | 17+
Rilis : 31 Oktober 2008.
“Komedi Erotis Ala Romantis”

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MegaUploadPart 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Alternatif link (MegaUpload)Part 1,

The Ghost Writer (2010)

Download Gratis Film The Ghost Writer | Sinopsis | Trailer

Pemain : Ewan Mcgregor, Pierce Brosnan, Olivia Williams, Kim Cattrall
Jenis Film : Drama - Dewasa (adult) | DVDRip XviD-NeDiVx
Produser : Roman Polanski, Robert Benmussa, Alain Sarde, Patrick Wachsberger
Produksi : Summit Entertainment
Sutradara : Roman Polanski
Penulis : Roman Polanski, Robert Harris

Download Gratis Film The Ghost

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

They Read Me, They Bleed Me ... They Hate Me ... They Hate Me Not!

In the Circus Report that he founded and slaved over for most of his later life, the late Don Marcks once pointed me to a small space on the back cover that sometimes hosted adds. other times went blank. Said he, “How about your column there?”

I was very touched by the unexpected offer from someone who was my direct opposite, but resisted his polite invitation, telling him “eventually, I will write something that will cause you problems, and that will be it.” Don dreaded the discontent of circus owners and as a rule edited on the super safe don’t-rock-the big top side.

I knew Don well, as I knew the small insulated circus world well. They, most of them, are sheltered from criticism by the fans and by media indifference. Indeed, many a performer could last a lifetime under small tops, even in Ringing rings, and never face a legitimate review.

Before we fell into a kind of soft unspoken estrangement, Don once complained to me over the phone (we talked often) about circus fans who sent in glowing notices of Circus Vargas. He was growing tired of it. He printed their predictably rosy notices nonetheless.

Another time, Don told me, “I got a review of Circus Vargas. The guy was pretty critical, so I didn’t print it.”

That was Don, and that is how the circus world would like it to be.

Which brings us to the thorn in your side, that nagging customer who can inject unsettling opinions into your beautiful backyard paradise where every circus is the best it’s ever been, and better than all the others.

It was in Don’s paper that a piece I wrote looking back at Irvin Feld’s career, sometime after Mr. Feld passed away, caused probably a more vicious reaction than had ever greeted anything penned about the circus. Feld employees took out venomous attack ads in Circus Report. About a dozen or more. Some full pagers. Not a soul came to my defense. They bled me yes, and I did not die. And I still will not die. Bleeding is a part of my bizarre mission. When you get away with mouthing off in national print at age 14, it tends to go to your head, especially when, many years later, Variety signs on.

My most recent encounter with a hurricane of hostility arrived upon my posting a review here of Kelly Miller Circus. Some of you have no doubt seen it. Maybe you were amused. Maybe you half way agreed. Or considered me a number of things not fit for print — in more ways the one. In the eyes of the offended, I’d made a total fool of myself. That's the risk you take for daring to reveal your feelings, for you risk going against the grain. But how else?

One of the comments slung at my posting by that ever-ubiquitous contributor “Anonymous," whose profanity I did not allow onto the lot, found irony in my “legendary expertise” (a compliment, Anonymous?) being unaware that the names “Nellie” with “Hanneford go together. No, what I really failed to link were the names “Poema” and “Hanneford.”

I looked elsewhere, to one of the three Kelly Miller blogs, this being Steve and Ryan’s. Amidst some controversy, Steve, a classy guy, posted his own comment, “everybody is entitled to their own opinion.” Among other comments, Jon turned what he doubtlessly considered a negative into what I consider rare validation. You see, Jon lumped me together with the snobby New York critics’ crowd. May I take a bow please!? “Mr. Pompous ‘I live and die in New York’” he called me. (Mr. Pompous lives in Oakland, CA.) Well, it beats beings bland. And since I no longer disco into nights of senseless danger, gotta do something for cheap thrills.

Jon described my review as “a homework project.” Now to that, Jon, I can relate. For years, even after landing bylines in Variety and getting published in book form, I still felt like I were trying be a writer; lately, I’ve promoted my self-regard to writer trying to be a writer.

I'll grant that Jon might be on to some prickly things about me, but he goes totally off the rails when he accuses me of a mind set that was “formed before the presentation was presented.” If only he knew what was actually in my mind when I sat down to take in a performance of Kelly-Miller in Brewster, NY — and how what I thought I might find was significantly altered by what I actually found.

As for my carrying on like a know-it-all New Yorker, that tickles me pink lemonade. Why? Because, for starters, I think the NY critics are the toughest, and they think for themselves. Growing up, I admired how, following another opening night, they were forced to form their opinions in hours or less, rushing back to newsroom typewriters or to telephones to call in their notices. No time to stick their fingers in the wind or equivocate their immediate gut reactions down to intellectual mush. I read and treasured Walter Kerr almost every Sunday in The New York Times. And when I landed my first byline in Variety, that only emboldened my stubbornly independent ways. Whatever I am, it's me that you get. I just wish, trust me, that you'd get a lot more voices and a lot more opinions -- in declarative review form.

"Pompous" if you please. English class room deficient if you must. But bias in advance? That I fight all the time, admitting that, yes, I too am human, but I think the conscious struggle to fight bias has made me a better, fairer reporter. Two things that remain uppermost in my thinking and approach: Number 1. Keep your mind an open slate, and let the arists in the ring paint their pictures on it. Number 2. The circus, ever since jugglers began in Egypt ,acrobats in China, is forever changing. It is not a fixed form. So, by all means adhere to a golden cliche: judge each show on its own terms.

Which can be a shock to my system as well.

And sometimes, a thrill. Never know what awaits me when, pompously, I embark on another homework review project. Considering how quaintly irrelevant I am obviously viewed by my dissenters, I'm thinking of making my entrances on to the lot in cape and carriage, but the Witness Protection Program refused me that guise.

[photo, not recent, by Sylvia Hahn]

Sabtu, 17 Juli 2010


Download Gratis Film WITCHVILLE (2010) | Sinopsis | Trailer | Subtitle Indonesia

Date Released : 22 May 2010
Quality : HDTVRip.XVID-aAF
Info : imdb.com/title/tt1506458
Starring : Luke Goss, Ed Speleers, Andrew Pleavin
Genre : Action | Sci-Fi

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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4

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ONG BAK 3 (2010)

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Title: Ong Bak 3
Starring: Tony Jaa, Dan Chupong, Kessarin Ektawatkul
Written & Directed by: Tony Jaa, Panna Rittikrai
Release : January 21, 2010 Length: 1:32:56
Genre: Action

Ringkasan Cerita Film ONG BAK 3 Legenda dari Ong Bak 3 dimulai setelah Tien (Tony Jaa) telah kehilangan keterampilan dan ayah tirinya berjuang

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

Film Indonesia CHIKA

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 Pemain : Sharon Jessica, Muhammad Fardhan, Aditya Firmansyah, Kimberly Ryder, Sarah Sechan, Lula Kamal, Alex Komang
Jenis Film :Drama – Remaja (teenage)
Produser : Ram Soraya, Sunil Soraya
Produksi :Soraya Film
Sutradara : Rocky Soraya
Penulis : Riheam Junianti
Date of release: 26th September, 2008

Download Gratis Film Indonesia

Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Uang Gratisan dari Internet

Lagi asyik blokwalking, n mampir di tempat sahabat, ada artikel yang cukup menarik "Dapat Uang Gratis dari IMCREW.COM" dapatnya juga lumayan, 2$ setiap mengajak teman, kira-kira kalo untuk beli bakso bisa untuk ber-5 dan yang pastinya kalo kurang uangnya ya tinggal ninggal KTP aja ^_^.

Waduh kok sampai ngomongin bakso segala, jadi lapar nih. OK, konsentrasi... programnya dari IMCREW, tugas kita

Movie Naruto Shippunden 1

Download Gratis Film Movie Naruto Shippunden 1 | Sinopsis | Trailer | Subtitle Indonesia
Tanggal Rilis :4 Agustus 2007
Jenis Film :Action | Comedy
Diperankan Oleh : naruto,haruno sakura,hyuga neji,rock lee

Sinopsis Film Movie Naruto Shippunden 1
Demons yang pernah hampir menghancurkan dunia, dibangkitkan kembali oleh seseorang. Untuk mencegah dunia dari kehancuran, setan itu harus disegel dan

Naruto Movie : The Animal Riot of Crescent Moon Island

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Date Released : August 5th, 2006
Japanese Title : Dai Koufun! Mikazuki Jima no Animal Panic Dattebayo!
Jenis Film : Kartun | Action

Sinopsis Film Naruto Movie : The Animal Riot of Crescent Moon Island

Seorang pangeran manja dari Negara Bulan (yang terletak di Crescent Moon Island, di laut

Naruto the Movie 2 : The Illusionary Ruins at the Depths of the Earth

Download gratis Film Naruto : The Illusionary Ruins at the Depths of the Earth | Sinopsis | Trailer

Date Released : August 6th, 2005
Japanese Title : Daigekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo!
Jenis Film : Kartun | Action

Sinopsis Film Naruto : The Illusionary Ruins at the Depths of the Earth

Selama misi, Naruto, Sakura, dan Shikamaru mencoba untuk menyelamatkan binatang peliharaan

Naruto Movie : Snow Princess 'Book of Ninja Arts

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Tanggal rilis: 21 Agustus 2004
Jepang Judul: Daikatsugeki! Yukihime Ninpocho Dattebayo!
Jenis Film : Kartun | Action

Sinopsis Film Naruto Movie: Snow Princess 'Book of Ninja Arts

Kakashi dan Tim 7 perjalanan ke unkown Snow Country untuk melindungi seorang aktris terkenal yang tidak ingin bepergian ke

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010


Download Gratis Film SUSTER KERAMAS | Sinopsis, Review, Resensi | Trailer

Pemain : Herfiza Novianti, Rizky Mocil, Zidni Adam, Shinta Bachir, Alex Abad, Yadi Sembako, Bella Esperance, Rin Sakuragi
Produser : Ody Mulya Hidayat
Jenis Film : Horor
Dated Released : 31 Desember 2009

Download Gratis Film SUSTER KERAMAS
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3IndoWebster (600Mb)Download Link
HotFilePart 1,

UniverSoul Circus By Boston Dumped; Sponsor Skittish About Animal Abuse Charges

Circus's sponsor for last two years, Northeastern Univeristy, shunning the show, severing sawdust ties owing to escalating complaints, the lead spoil sport being -- guess who! -- PETA.

"We researched the issue and were not happy with what we found," said Reneta Nyui, speaking for Northeastern to the Boston Globe, which reported the story.

UniverSoul wrapped up a 13-day performance frame on the campus last Saturday. Tents were pitched over a parking lot

The show lacks a license under the USDA; its animals are leased from other companies cited in past but not recent years for a number of infractions. Particularly newsworthy was the death within a few months of a pair of kangaroos, cast in a slapstick boxing match. Mistreatment of the animals was alleged.

Circus patrons who contacted PETA alleged to have witnessed "tigers in their travel cages and feared for the animals' well-being in the heat."

Speaking for the show, VP Jackie Davis said the company passed all animal regulatory inspections while in Boston. She added, "We take great pride in the way we treat our animals. I have no idea of why someone would make that accusation."

In 2002, PETA produced an undercover video of an elephant handler under contract to UniverSoul "beating his animals with bull hooks and electric prods."


Download Gratis Film THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE | Sinopsis, Review | Trailer

Pemain : Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Dakota Fanning, Ashley Greene, Billy Burke, Peter Facinelli, Elizabeth Reaser, Nikki Reed, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Michael Sheen
Jenis Film : Drama | Fantasy | Horor
Produksi : Summit Entertainment
Sutradara : David Slade
Penulis : Melissa Rosenberg


Download Gratis Film I KNOW WHAT YOU DID ON FACEBOOK | Sinopsis, Review | Trailer

Pemain : Fanny Fabriana, Edo Borne, Kimi Jayanti, Fikri Ramdhan, Restu Sinaga, Imelda Therinne, Agastia Kandou, Yama Carlos
Jenis Film : Drama/comedy/romance
Produser : Shankar Rs. B.sc.
Produksi : Digital Film Maker & Sisterbros Nationtainment
Durasi : 90
Sutradara : Awi Suryadi
Penulis : Awi Suryadi & Alberthine


Download Gratis Film Resident Evil : Afterlife 3D  | Sinopsis, Review | Trailer
Genre : Action Adventure Fantasy Sci-Fi Sekuel 3DSutradara : Paul W.S. AndersonDiproduksi : Sony PicturesStarring : Milla Jovovich, Johnny Messner, Boris Kodjoe, Wentworth Miller, Ali Larter, Kim CoatesUpdate : 10 Semptember 2010
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Download Gratis Film Seleb Kota Jogja (SKJ) | Review, Sinopsis | Trailer

Jenis Film : Comedy
Produser : Chand Parwez Servia
Produksi : Pt. Kharisma Starvision Plus
Pemain : Bagus ‘skj’, Tama ‘skj’, Juan Rangga ‘skj’, Cinta Laura Kiehl, Nindy, Karmela, Andy /rif, Jaja Miharja, Butet Kartaredjasa
Sutradara : Lakonde
Penulis : Tamidia
Date Release : 8 April 2010

Download Gratis Film Seleb Kota


Download Gratis Film CICAKMAN 2: PLANET HITAM | Review, Sinopsis | Trailer

Dated Released : 11 December 2008
Sutradara : Yusry Abdul Halim
Produser : Norman Abdul Halim, Yusry Abdul Halim, Edry Abdul Halim
Pemeran : Saiful Apek, Fasha Sandha, Aznil Hj Nawawi, Tamara Bleszynski, AC Mizal, Adlin Aman Ramlie, Sharifah Amani
Country : Malaysia
Genre : Action | Comedy | Sci-Fi

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Selasa, 13 Juli 2010

Bird Perfect Photo of Jamieliegh at Ringling Pre-Show ...

Such a warm lovely face, and so different a look from the Jamieliegh I first glimpsed when she appeared in Illuscination at Coney Island -- a swanky bombshell wrapping herself seductively (sex sells, you know) around master illusionist David DiVinici, who happens to be, non illusionally, her husband.

This was snapped by KLS Dad, who shares it here on my midway.

KLS was tickled pink-lemonade with the Ringling circus by the seaside this year. A happy time he had.

Thanks, KLS!